Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hey Red

Sometimes I think I spend more time on the computer looking for patterns than I do actually knitting them! I have printed out so many recently that I have had to put them in folders and I just love looking over them.
One autumn day I spotted this cute pattern. I love top-down circular needle knits because of their beautiful fitted & seamless shape but haven't really tackled many of them. After a trip to the local yarn store and the discovery of Patons Smoothie DK in red/orange/purple and a new 3.75mm circular needle, I began.
I love the colour and how quickly it came together; amazing! Here's some pics of the progress.

unfinished sleeve


All finished now after one adjustment to the pattern (I made little cap sleeves instead of longer ones) and I am very happy with the result. A great little top for the start of the warm weather. Yay, bring on summer I say!

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